Assoc Prof. Evrim Ünsal
She was born in Kayseri 1975 Turkey.
In 1997 she graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Sciece, Biology department.
Between1998-2000 at Gazi University Faculty of Medicine she completed her Master’s studies in Histology and Embryology.
She received her PhD degree in Biotechnology Institute of Ankara University in 2005.
Between 2000-2001, she received the proficiency of working in Embryology Laboratory in Ankara University Medical Faculty and Microinjection certificates in 2006.
In 2011, she received the title of Assistant Professor at the Department of Histology Embryology, Istanbul Bilim University.
Since 2002, she has been working in our Clinicin Embryology and Biotechnology Laboratoryas an embryologist.
In addition to IVF applications, she has made many studies on Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis and screening of single gene diseases and chromosomal abnormalities.